Schnupfen nur im Bett?


Ich liege gerade im Bett und kann nicht schlafen weil Mein rechtes Nasenloch komplett zu ist. Ich war vorhin kurz im Bad und dort hatte ich keinen Schnupfen mehr, jetzt allerdings wieder. Das ist immer wenn ich mich ins Bett lege. Das geht seid 3 Tagen so. Warum ist das so? Was kann man da gegen auf die schnelle tun? Ich hab kein Nasenspray oder sowas.


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1 year ago

It is most likely that these are house dust mites. The excretions of the mites enter the body via the air and first seek contact with the airways. This generally leads to bruising or swelling of the nasal mucosa, whereupon the nose either Blocked or starts running.

How do you remove the house dust mites?

Remove your sheets from your bedcloth the same with the rest and wash it at min. 60 °C the same should you do with your cuddly animals, sofa cushions, woollen blankets, curtains and other dust collectors Best also quiet several times

Alternatively you can tea tree use, in general simple times Dust wipes and keep the surfaces free of dust, also good Sunlight let in and let the sunlight work, you can Reduce humidity, to prevent mites, bedding / sheets, all that belongs to it, regularly wash, Temperature in the bedroom.

Alternatively, you can also look at Google for what you can get. There are also Spraying agent against the house dust mites.

I hope I could help you so far and have a lot of success.


1 year ago

Dust allergies