Schneller Periode bekommen?

Hallo ich bin 12 und habe seit ich ca. 11 bin meinen Ausfluss. Ich habe in letzter Zeit immer wieder Unterleibsschmerzen und mir war gestern sehr übel. (Gerade auch ein wenig) Ich glaube das ich meine Periode bekommen. Aber wie bekommt man sie schneller? Ich will sie endlich bekommen weil ich es mir schon echt lange wünsche.

Danke für Antworten 😊

PS. Ich weiß das es manchmal lästig ist die Periode zu haben. Ist für mich aber ein wichtiger Schritt ins Frau werden😄

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11 months ago

Hi dear Emilia:-)

Don’t worry, you’re still in the middle of puberty with 12 years, and it’s not unusual if you don’t have your period yet. You don’t need to be afraid that something with you might not be okay. Some girls get their period for the first time at 11 or 12 years. With other girls it takes until they are 14 or 15 years old. In a few cases, it can even be that some girls have their days for the first time at 16 or 17 years. So you still have everything in the green area.

It would be possible, of course, that you could get your first period or lubrication bleeding this weekend, yes. Just have some patience with your body and let it all come to you. However, you can’t speed up the process, everything you can do is actually just to wait:-)

But when the period will actually occur with you and in which strength, of course, is difficult or not to predict at all. Often this happens when you want it least. For safety, however, you could always have a binding/slip insert or a tampon and parat. So, in the case of the cases, you’d have a small “first help set” with it. Then you feel safer and more comfortable.

I hope I could help you a little with my answer. If you have any questions or need help, you can send me a friend request at any time and send me a personal message 🙂


11 months ago


Unfortunately, no one can tell you exactly when you get your first period :/


However, it is possible to find out on the basis of some questions and test whether the body is already set up. Before the first period, many look like this:

  • The breast has already begun to grow and may grow very quickly
  • You already have pubic hair or you just get it
  • The white flux already about 3 years (variated but)
  • You might have a growth boost
  • You sweat much faster and maybe you need to shower more often
  • Your skin changes
  • Maybe you already had lubrication bleeding (the reddish or brown outflow. After the first lubrication bleeding, most get their first correct period within 6 months)

The average in Germany is 12.5 years and the most common is between the 11th and 14th years of age. This does not mean that one is abnormal if one is not at this age or is above or below the average. The normal age range is between 10 and 16 years. From 15 1/2 you can slowly consider a female doctor.

Ask your mother/ma/grand sister when they got their first period. Most of them get them in exactly this age range as their relatives.

If you have no contact with your relatives, you can also see this picture here:

Most get their first period between B2/P2 and B4/P4. Most likely it occurs at B3/P3 but can also be sooner or later.

I think you’ll get your period within the next two years. Can be tomorrow or just in the two years.


There’s nothing you can do to get your first period faster. That may not be the answer you would have liked but unfortunately it is.

Please, please take NIEMALS any tips from the internet, Tiktok, Scial Media or even any medication. All these tips do nothing and some can even be really dangerous. As long as there is no official doctor in front of you and says, “that’s how it works” then don’t do it. It’s really just for your best if you don’t try it.

You need hormones if you want to trigger the period. Home products such as vitamin C, parsley, water drink, heat only helps to a limited extent. These “experience reports” arise from the fact that people use this for a long time and then naturally get their period (which would have come without the household funds) and then think that the household funds have done this even though that is not true. These are all hopes that actually do nothing and do not cause any changes in medicine.

Everyone starts at his time and you can’t do anything to change anything. The only thing you can do is to see that you are not in the underweight because underweight prevents the entry of the period and can even never let it come. So let the doctor weigh you and see if you have normal weight. You can also run a J1 that is an investigation for young people to see if they are normally developed. If you ask for the J1 please contact the user Sunglassgirl.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



11 months ago

She comes when she comes and after 2 times you would be happy

they were coming


11 months ago
Reply to  Emilia1833

Know enough girls in your

Ages that say

11 months ago

You can’t force that.

And at some point you want that hell not to get through every month

11 months ago
Reply to  Emilia1833

Why? I’m serious. If you already have nausea at the beginning of your “period career”, then it can only get worse

11 months ago

We will see 😂

11 months ago

Man cannot affect

11 months ago

Monk pepper?

in nausea, Vomex is good. Relax, too. Some women also have an RDS. Strengthens the whole thing. There is symbioflor good