Schneller download aber lags im Spiel?
bin bei Verwannten und war überrascht.. bei steam dl ich mit 18mbs ( für mich ungewohnt)
aber wenn ich ein spiel wie “lol” spiele oder einfach nur discord nutze habe ich immer wieder kurze, starke Lagspikes…. irgendwelche Ideen?
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Do your relatives live on another continent and you want to dock on eu servers?
Then the distance is too far and therefore the difficulties.
The download and upload speeds have nothing to do with Lags.
Latting occurs by disturbances and processing on servers and routers – jitter – i.e. “wanted” interference signals also occur.
Depending on this, it can be the amount of users, the provider or a device on the network.
So ask the provider for Latenzen first.
Then look for jitters on the network.
jA So as it was said. One is the down and upload speed of the line and the other is the reaction time between the provider and your router. In between, of course, there are breaks in through WLAN and other disturbances.
Bandwidth and latency are two different and mutually dependent properties of an Internet connection.
Use LAN cables. Wi-Fi will be unstable.
High jitter