Schneller abnehmen ohne Jojo Effekt?
Hab 10 kg abgenommen in dem ich mehrere Monate sehr wenig gegessen habe… aber es reicht mir noch nicht
ich möchte noch mehr abnehmen aber hab Angst vor dem Jojo Effekt
mir fällt es schwer nachdem ich so lang fast nix gegessen habe wieder normal zu essen denn wenn ich was esse dann stelle ich mir danach immer die Frage habe ich jetzt ein Fehler gelacht… das fühlt sich schei*e an und dann will man auch nix mehr essen
habe daraufhin angefangen mich zu ritzen 🙁 hat auch nicht viel gebracht
also habt ihr Methoden wie man schnell abnehmen kann ? Ich hab immer wieder so Hunger Attacken und danach schon oft versucht mich zu übergeben es aber leider nie geschafft . Das mit dem Finger in Hals funktioniert einfach nicht 🙁
also brauche ich andere Methoden um schneller abzunehmen
vielen Dank
Just continue your eating behavior and it will lastingly remain weight-wise, but the decrease speed will not increase because you have managed most.
Looking for a therapist, you’re on the best way into an assault.
Would that be so bad?
Yes, because you lack the energy for everything, your body can’t develop properly (if you haven’t grown up) and you can die in the long term.
Okay, thanks to the BMI I try
You don’t have to start noodles directly with a whole plate. I don’t know what a normal amount of food is for you right now, but maybe you’re going to sit there and get a bit of food every day. Don’t worry: with sport you won’t get fat. You’re probably far away from that. You could calculate your BMI.
The fact that you can’t swim or wear short things is one of the many disadvantages of SV. Even if you think your parents are very negative when they notice it, they will support you as much as possible. So don’t be afraid to open you to them:)
I’m pretty sure your weight loss will soon notice. On the one hand, you’ll get so thin that you’ll get thirsty and fragile. You can see that if you know someone for a while. On the other hand, a doctor’s visit may be due sometime and he will definitely notice. Especially if he should take your blood off.
A weakness could soon occur. Your body is already weakened by missing nutrients. In addition, the momentary heat comes and if you still wear warm things… My cycle has already passed less.
I understand if you don’t want to talk to anyone about it. I still want to put it to your heart. You can also write to me privately. I am not an expert in eating disorders and SV, but I was already in less beautiful stages of life;)
Yes, that’s true with the fit so you’re right, but I haven’t eaten a whole dish for a long time.
to the swimming pool I can no longer agree with my parents 🙂
my weight loss does not notice and I have never been over
Sometimes life may seem useless and not worth living, but these are only phases. At your age, you may not be aware that your actions bring consequences for your rest of your life. If you’ve overcome this difficult phase, you’ll probably be upset about breaking your life so early. I know you don’t want to believe this, but it’s true.
How long do you think you can hide your scars and your weight loss? You wear long clothes. What if you go swimming with your parents/friends? In addition, parents eventually realize that their child is getting thinner and eats nothing more. At the latest, if you starve so much that you’re going to faint, it’ll be noticed.
I don’t think you’re gonna get out of this alone. That’s why talking to someone. You can talk to relatives, friends, teachers, doctors, etc. Otherwise you could negotiate with yourself something like: “I now eat at least one whole plate of noodles, but then do 15 min sports.” This could reduce your bad conscience after eating and you’ll stay fit. By the way: Many find fit people more beautiful than thin;)
So I mean die with that
So that would not be so bad
I am 16