Schnell Hilfe wegen Gras?
Brauche schnell Hilfe
hab grad gras geraucht zum ernsten mal
danach noch so 10 Züge über Lunge mit 2% Nikotin 7000 Züge vape
ich spür meinen Körper nicht mehr garnichts
und ich verspür iwie nicht den Drang zu atmen also wenn ich die Luft anhalte fühlt sich nicht so als ob ich wieder atmen muss
Schwindel und Kopfschmerzen auch
ist das normal ?? Was soll ich machen weil keine Lust jetzt umzukippen und zu sterben
bin w/16
Where the connection between the grass and the vape is I do not see.
As far as this is concerned, you can’t do much now, except wait until the effect passes and possibly go to the doctor or hospital if it gets too bad. Drink a lot – a coffee with sugar could help bring your cycle back into motion.
I’m not saying anything to the other stuff. You can think of your own part. But you are aware that these 7000 trains are not to be created from the legally defined 2ml liquid in disposable devices and your model is therefore not legal within the EU? This thing can’t be sold.
Then it is difficult
added. There’s nothing to say. Here you can think about what reasons you do not apply to laws.
Keep breathing would not be bad.
Inexperienced are you, why are you exaggerating it directly?
I don’t think it might not work otherwise and I tend to overdo things
Please call the rescue service. If you’re asleep now, you just choke because you paralyzed your breathing reflex.
When does the atemreflex come back?
If the nicotine and THC are out of your body. This can take a day or more. Please call the rescue service. I don’t want to read later in the newspaper that a 16-year-old has suffocated nicotine in sleep after the consumption of large quantities.