Schnell Gewicht verlieren?
Hey, ich (w: 14, 60kg, 177cm) wollte fragen ob jemand tipps hat wie man so 4 bis 5 kilo abnehmen kann in möglichst 2 Wochen. Und noch eine fragen: kann man irgendwie verhindern, dass der Magen „knurrt“ wenn man hungrig ist, weil das wäre praktisch wenn man so wenig wie möglich essen möchte und nicht will, dass es jeder in der umgebung mitbekommt.
4 Kilos in such a short time is not healthy! So I guess. Take off slowly, then you have more of it.
Your body just signals you need food. Make sure you understand what you really need food; that’s nothing you’re doing for pure fun: eating. ANNEX Your body wants to be supplied with vitamins, proteins, etc. so that your organs can all work properly. So food is just important. That’s why you’re hungry. In itself, this is a super-tolle invention: You don’t even have to remember eating regularly: Your body regulates this by itself.
with 60 kg/1.77 m should be You don’t lose weight as 14/w!
Sorry. If I discourage you.
But I was on Reha for 4 weeks now.
I was really looking for food, even less than a suggestion.
And so much sport.
Overall (between times more) it was fucking 500g
It went up, it went down
you have a BMI of 19.20 and are therefore absolutely normal weight.
The website with which I calculated this is the following:
Here’s a statistics. Where the point is, you are currently:
Most importantly, you feel comfortable! From the medical point of view, you are absolutely normal weighty and don’t have to worry.
No, you can’t. It only helps: eat! The stomach does not grow out of boredom, but because it needs food. You really don’t have to lose weight!! When you drink a lot of water, it’s just when you’re hungry and look after a healthy diet and sports, it’s all good. You’re just on the best way into eating disorder and believe me: you don’t want them!! Be careful. <=3
flow of thought
You don’t weigh too much and don’t want to lose weight. That would put your health at risk
Not at all because you are only in the lower third of the normal range.
What to lose – You already have a (still) healthy! Normal weight. At 5 kilos less, you would be at the border to the underweight – so you will enter an eating disorder.
Why do you want to lose weight? You’re underweight anyway.