Schneehose rutschig beim sitzen?
Hii wenn ich in Schneeanzug etwas chillig auf Stuhl , Sofa oder im Bus sitze rutsche ich immer so doof. Das nervt voll. Hat jemand Tipp wie ich sitzen soll ich dem Zeug nicht wegrutsche und dennoch bequem ist?? Ist voll nervig besonders im Unterricht aber auch so.
Just pull out.
I wrote to you
I have seen
That would also be my proposal, but it does not seem to go.
So why should your parents want the man wearing a snow pants inside, I don’t understand.
For chilling or for outdoors there are super comfortable onesies that I find better than like snow pants.
Why are you wearing a snowpants at home and in class?
Parents want
There are ticks. Mam got her in January 2021
Ridiculous! Do you have ticks in the house and at school?
You live on a farm and don’t even know that there are no ticks at current temperatures?
Incidentally, a normal, firm pants are enough.
It smells like fetish.
Ne farm, school trail through Wals, Mam has panik in front of ticks as she has everlasting paralysis and almost died because of ticks and yes…Helikoptereltern and should also be childish for boys.