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hallo ich wohne in einem Plattenbau mit Blitzableiter 5 stock kann hier ein blitz einschlagen
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Es blitzt gerade stark bei uns, aber donnert nicht. Wie gibt es denn das? Ich dachte Blitz und Donner gehört zusammen bei einem Gewitter?
A.) wherever mountains are. Topographic maps are available on Google, Wikipedia, etc.
) wherever the weather produces such snowfall limits. Germany is large enough that there are significant differences
And the cold comes from the North Sea. Ergo is also expected to have a particularly deep snowfall limit, which is quite interesting for example a pilot in the landing trip (ad strange censorship heini).
Weather maps are available, for example, on tileweathers or the weather center.
Everywhere the mountains are resin e.g.
I’m already a little envious, but if at all, the 2 days will stay
For example, on the chunk in the resin (1141.2 m).
On the Feldberg e.g.
Brocken, Bavarian Forest, Voralpen, Alps.
If you want to know exactly this, you’ll see here: