Schminkspiegel auf Amazon bestellt?
Hi Leute ich bin M 18 und habe gestern einen Schminkspiegel bei Amazon bestellt, der kam heute auch an.
Da ich jetzt gerade aber arbeiten bin hat meine Patentante das Packet angenommen und mich gefragt warum ich den einen Schminkspiegel bestellt hab.
Der Grund warum ich ihn bestellt hab ist das ich ein Saber Cosplay (die aus dem Anime Fate) mache will, nur weiß ich nicht wie ich das erklären soll.
Habt ihr ne Idee wie ich dieses Gespräch überleben werde :)?
say this is for your hobby, ready. It’s for my hobby.
Are you printing the arms yourself? I did too.
Nah, make her casual outfit. Tbh has little idea of the anime, got a bet but it also interested me. HAHA
aha, good luck
And what’s the patentant doing? I don’t think you owe her an explanation.
I also use such a mirror so that I better see if I have shaved clean and accurate.
You need this so that you can better control cleaning after your teeth, whether everything is clean and good. The mirror in the bathroom is somewhat distorted. 👍😎
very simple – the aunt point out that she does not have to open your mail and packages (post secret), and you are old enough to order yourself.
Right 👍😎
Just say that a make-up mirror is there to make up or is also good to use for eyebrowing!
Tell her that a modern young man of today also needs a corresponding cosmetic level for his skin care. This is the end of the conversation.
Why does she even open your packages?!
I don’t think it’s important that they make up my pack.
At Amazon, you can generally choose whether it is shipped in the original packaging of the manufacturer or an additional packaging. The latter can be done quite well if the content is to remain hidden if something is unpleasant to you or a gift is etc. PP.
Ahh thhxxx, I didn’t know that of this…
Just show her a picture.
Or if you’re uncomfortable, say it’s for pimples 😀
I find a funny question.
You’re 18 years old and what and why you order something, your aunt doesn’t matter. You don’t have to justify anything.
Just say you need because you want to shave your hair on your ass.
Find the best solution!
HAHAHAHAHA, which ends every conversation immediately