Schmetterlingsbuntbarsch Einzeln halten?
Mein Männchen ist Gestorben und ich weiß nicht, ob ich noch einen Fisch nachkaufen sollte oder nicht. Das Weibchen ist kerngesund und Frisst gut. Die Wasserwerte stimmen auch.
Danke im Voraus für die Antworten.
Liebe Grüße
You’d better keep them one by one, that’s okay. They are in any case short-lived and sensitive to foreign germ, so you can add one and there is another dead again.
You will not find out the reason for the death of the male, with certainty of limited probability. These fish are sensitive.
Butterfly beaks should not be held alone. Before you buy another fish, wait a few more weeks to see if your female doesn’t go away and find the reason for the male’s death.
Thank you.
No, don’t buy. It was foreseeable that an animal will soon die – because these fish are very delicate to care for (also not “simple”, as is often falsely claimed) and need best water quality. So nothing for beginners.