Schmerzhafte Nippel/Brustwarzen?
Hallo an alle, seit kurzem tun meine Brustwarzen sehr weh wenn sie steif werden und da es derzeit Winter ist, passiert das mittlerweile mehrmals am Tag. Ich habe das noch nie gehabt. Soll ich damit zum Arzt und wenn ja, welcher Arzt? Hausarzt, Hautarzt, Gyn?
Hatte oder hat das jemand von euch? Gerne auch pn
If you’d rather go to Gyn, you can do that, of course, she has a clue. The doctor may have more appointments available. But both of them would be the right contacts for this.
I think it’s normal. These are very sensitive body regions. You’re not pregnant, are you? How about pupa?
I’m 22, so I’m hopefully through 😅 Pregnant can definitely be excluded
My ex had hormone problems and was sensitive there too, I could not touch it. :(So…Hormonal problems?
I’ve already thought about hormones, maybe it’s that. I’ve got my precautionary examination at my gymn in February, so I’ll talk about it – I’ve never had a hormone picture or what that means. Thank you for your thoughts!
You not It may be unusual for pregnant. You should ask the question of your women/doctors.