Schmerzhafte Beule am Hinterkopf?

Hey Leute,

mich habe seit gestern eine unfassbare schmerzhafte „Beule“ an meinem Hinterkopf

wenn ich sie berühre sind die Schmerzen extrem. Es tut allerdings auch weh wenn ich ganz still sitze…

was könnte das sein? Ist das gefährlich?
ich werde natürlich morgen einen Arzt anrufen, jedoch mache ich mir große Sorgen und wollte deswegen hier jetzt diese Frage stellen

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7 months ago

Hey, hey,

A painful bump at the back can have various causes, and it is understandable that you are worried. Here are some possible explanations:

1. Violation or Trauma: Even if you did not consciously hurt yourself, you could have pushed your head, which leads to a painful bump. In this case, it could be a swelling or a hem atom.

2. Inflammation: A bump could also be caused by inflammation, such as a furuncle or an infected hair root (folliculitis). Such inflammations are often painful and can feel warm.

3. Lymph nodes: Swollen lymph nodes at the back of the head can also be painful and appear like a bump. This could indicate an infection in the body.

4. Cysts or lipoma: Sometimes benign ulcers such as cysts or lipomas can appear as bumps. These are usually not painful, but could cause pain in inflammation.

5. Diseases of the scalp: There are also skin diseases that can cause beuling, such as seborrhoic dermatitis or other skin infections.

Is it dangerous?

Whether the bump is dangerous depends on the cause. If the pain is very strong, the bump grows fast, you develop dizziness, nausea, visual disorders or other neurological symptoms, you should immediately use medical help as this could indicate a more serious cause.

What you should do:

• Doctor visit: It is good that you plan to visit a doctor. Only a doctor can determine by an examination and, if appropriate, by further diagnostics such as an ultrasound examination or a blood examination what is the exact cause of the bump.

• relieve pain: Until the doctor’s appointment, you could try to relieve the pain with cold compresses. Do not take painkillers without consulting a doctor, especially if you are unsure about the cause.

It is important that you let the bump be medically clarified, especially if the pain is strong and affect you.

Good luck and good improvement!
