Schmerzen, rektusdiastase, OP, Schwangerschaft?
Ich habe seit Monaten Schmerzen in der rechten Seite. Mal sind sie da, mal nicht. Mal mehr mal weniger doll und es ist auch egal was ich mache.. Egal ob ich liege oder steh oder beweg…
Ich war auch schon beim Arzt.. Der meinte es kommt vom Bauch (rektusdiastase durch Zwillingsschwester, Juli 22)
Kennt das jmd? Wäre das ein Grund für die Krankenkasse da so ne OP zu zahlen? Also mit Bauchstraffung und so? Wären die Schmerzen dann weg?
Bitte nur ernst gemeint antworten und kein mimimi. Ich bin 17 und mein Bauch ist wirklich so schlimm. Klar waren 2 Babys drin, eins 53 cm und über 3000 und eins 46 und über 2400 aber.. Es sieht so schlimm aus 😭😭😭 ich denke auch nicht das in paa Monaten noch viel zurück geht (man sagt ja immer, ne Schwangerschaft kommt 9 Monate und geht 9 Monate, aber die beiden sind schon 6 Monate)
Ich hab das Gefühl die Schmerzen werden immer schlimmer.
Then your doctor will order you physiotherapy to strengthen the abdominal muscles. An operation at the expense of the sickness fund is the last way, but all other treatment options must be exhausted.
You can also help by doing appropriate exercises at home. As a rule, it forms from its own, takes just and after a twin pregnancy it also takes more than 9 months – in addition, it is just a rule of thumb.
Only in the case of hernias that can arise, is it the health insurance company to take over an operation.
Pregnancy changes the body permanently, so every woman must learn to handle or train hard for it, directly after that, to recover the almost old body shape.
You can also have a rectusdiastase operated…
Was made in a known after a short time after the 2nd child..
So of the size of the babies, one of the two was already as big and heavy as a normal and they were brought in 36+4! And there was another…
With any kind of exercises or so I’m getting far and Physio didn’t even mention my doctor.
Of course, it can be operated – but always as a final solution. You should call your doctor to Physio.
I’m sure that’s right, but what should they do if the doctor doesn’t prescribe physiotherapy, that’s not home doctor or gynecologist? In the meantime, it looks as if hernias actually form with her. There would have been some avoidance if the outpatient medical care would work.
You can judge that as a remote diagnosis? Because she gives pain? She hasn’t asked yet – that would be the first way to ask what you can do – herself and with the help of others. It is always so easy to make others – then you don’t have to try yourself. An operation is, of course, easier than to get active.
I know them personally and real and last seen them in November. It wasn’t so pronounced. Hernias could happen, but someone has to diagnose this in their region. I could also do this (see profile), but I am too far away and could not fix it as a matter of direction. My “earth diagnosis” is at least visually suppressed. Hopefully, she’ll find a doctor who at least orders her physiotherapy.