Schmerzen in der vorderen Haut bei der Scheide?

Hallo zusammen!

Also ich hab schmerzen rundum die scheide. Es brennt halt wenn ich kratze, und es tut auch weh. Ich hatte gestern sex. Vielleicht liegt es daran? Habt ihr tipps? Wisst ihr was es sein könnte? Wisst ihr was ich dagegen tun kann?

danke im voraus!

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2 years ago

probably only wounds, after 1 day it would be very strange to have such complaints directly through a sexual disease – but possible, especially if without rubber

2 years ago
Reply to  girl12304566

the possibility that the other person puts you in with something is IMMER, so you test yourself before you have sex without rubber, actually… and don’t fuck through the world without choice…

2 years ago

ok then not, maybe wound, maybe mushroom, you don’t know, woman doctor will surely help you

2 years ago

Risk is always there, even if extremely low, it wouldn’t be at your place with nem types without driving just something loose because he can bang further by the way and in the end you all have the same sex sickness

2 years ago

Maybe a mushroom?

2 years ago
Reply to  girl12304566

Then, if it is – if you are unsure, an anti-fungal agent (free sale from the pharmacy) would help if it is – if you are unsure, let the female doctor explain.

And it’s important: the partner, or you’ll always be in sex with each other.