Schmerzen in der Frühschwangerschaft?
Hallo, ich bin ganz frisch schwanger. Ich denke 5-6Schwangerschaftswoch
da war ich noch nicht beim Frauenarzt, weil ich keinen Termin bekommen habe meinen Termin ist erst in sechs Tagen
Seit zwei Tagen hab ich rechts einstechen. Schmerz.
Meistens sind die Schmerzen bei Bewegung oder bei überall Überlastung beim treppensteigen oder manchmal, wenn ich mich hinlege beim drehen ich habe Angst vor einer Eileiterschwangerschaft. Hat jemand vielleicht Erfahrung damit, ob das vielleicht normal sein kann oder doch vielleicht ne Eileiterschwangerschaft in sechs Tagen ist mein Termin erst ich bin so ungeduldig. Leider
So in advance, every woman feels a different pregnancy.
In the first pregnancy, however, one usually has so early rare physical pain and rather nausea.
in the second pregnancy, on the other hand, pains in early pregnancy are more normal.
dates you get only from the 6th week because you see something with ultra-sonic.
but I had gotten something in the 5th week as I had an infection.
They actually take one directly when you complain, precisely because the pregnancies can be “prone” in the sense that you have to take a lot of attention. Calls the best of them and don’t wait until the date. On the ultrasound, one does not yet recognize an embryo, but one recognizes one already.
You only get it at the first female doctor’s appointment to confirm pregnancy. This is usually not before the 8th week.
You can still go and report your pain.
That’s it. You can’t really find one or the other so early.
But you talked about the mother’s passport and you just get it after the 8th week.
What kind of mother child fits I told you I haven’t been with the female doctor yet
It’s not unusual.
So it can be that it is an eggplant pregnancy
This is possible with every pregnancy.
But even in a normal intact pregnancy this is not unusual and comes through the hormone conversion.