Schmerzen in der Achselhöhle?
Ich habe seit heute früh brennende/stechende Schmerzen unter der rechten Achsel. Es tut wirklich unfassbar weh.
Gestern habe ich meinen Kürbis geerntet und geschnitten, das war schon sehr anstrengend.
Kann es sein das ich meinen Muskel gezerrt habe ? Oder ist es was ganz anderes ?
Could also be a swollen lymph node. They also hurt a certain size.
If it doesn’t get better, go to the doctor.
Good improvement!:)
There are many muscles. I’ve got this when they’re tight.
Are the pains continuous or only during movement and how do they behave in movements with the arm?
It’s bad when it comes to contact. It also hurts with movement. Sometimes it also stands without movement.
This morning walking with the dog was particularly bad.
Then I took an Ibu, now it’s a little better.
Also think of something muscular.
Do you feel lymph nodes or is everything fine?
It feels normal.