Pain in the testicles during masturbation?
For the past few days I've had pain in my left testicle when I masturbate, but not at all otherwise. Is this dangerous in any way and do I need to see a doctor?
When it comes to going to the toilet, everything is fine; I don't have to go very often.
I think the pain comes from the impact of the hand or the stimulation.
I’d go to a doctor’s office and explain it. But I guess that’s all right, and your guess is right.
If you’re young I think I can be a sign that they grow but don’t make sure to call a pediatrician who can tell you better
18 years old, I don’t think anymore
Then call
Oke thank you
Yes theoretically, you don’t need a date
Can I even call a random doctor and ask or do I have to make an appointment and go?
I think they’ve heard worse xd
Well, that’s embarrassing xD