Schmerzen im großzehngrundgelenk?
Ich habe seit 2 Tagen schmerzen im großzehngrundgelenk weiß nicht wie das kommt ich habe mich weder gestoßen noch sonst irgendwas gemacht mein großer Flug zeh ist nicht zu denn anderen gebogen sondern gerade aber an der Seite Stich ein kleiner hubel raus besonderst wenn ich Schuhe an habe schmerzt es habe schmerzen wenn ich laufe sneaker aber auch in Schlappen schmerzt es leicht
was soll ich tuen bitte um Hilfe soll ich zum Artz und wen ja zu welchem
danke schon mal im Voraus
Google times after the disease picture Hallux ridigus. Maybe the symptoms fit?
Okay, I don’t think it’s about 16 years.
Maybe you’re just wearing too tight shoes, have your feet overworked or the nubbble disappears again, or you’re going to the family doctor if it doesn’t go away.
That could be gout, I’d go to the pediatrician, make win blood count to check the Hsrnic acid value
Or rheumatism. Reduce meat consumption, add more fruit and vegetables to the menu. Less alcohol and no beer at all.
With 16 or what?!?
With 16 neither gout nor rheumatism 🙂
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis means young people, there is everything.
Gicht is uncommon for younger people.
Do I just do?!?!?
That is why it is also public so that errors can be corrected.
but they do not, they take it 1:1 as you wrote, so I know on that crap.
As I said, this is a laity forum and so it should also see questioners.
This doesn’t work in my job if I don’t question everything my teachers say, I’m a patient.
You could now become philosophical and ask how you know something you know?
Most of the knowledge we have from 2nd hand and are suitable for us without questioning it.
Unfortunately there is no limit down for this!
God Be thanks to my family consists of 50% doctors, it will be forgiven and charged… And the politicians in DE are also absolute species…
Just hold the edge if you know.
Quatsch – then you would have to ban advice among friends and acquaintances and within the family.
Then no one should give his must to anything.
For example, politicians should not do anything! And they even rule a whole country and sometimes have no idea!
therefore it must be insulated!
This is life-threatening what’s going on here!
Don’t worry about 🙂 This is a lay forum!
Shocked stay with your bars!
yes then google, instead of asking if a “juvenile rheumatoid athritis” can arise in young people… My teachers would tear my professional certificate into question.
I find that unsatisfied because many people employ things by way of a hobby, and then usually know better than any experts who hang their documents on the wall and are proud that they have become an expert 30 years ago in their profession 🙂 And after 30 years you still think that you do not have to develop.
but those who own an expert label play like “real experts”, I am meant to present professional certificates in certain areas and then expert titles.
Yes, but you’re not an expert here, just because you’re being made an expert here.
In addition, the term “expert” is not protected.
Expert can call everyone. Otherwise no one should be politicians.
In every industry there’s black sharp, but what’s going to be saved here doesn’t fit a hat line on it.
Many – also real experts – have no idea 🙂
Otherwise, not so many experts would be mistaken.
what do you think of younger people?
Juvenile rheumatoid athritis can get primary school children up to the teen. Genetic factors must vote.
That’s why I love the medical experts who have not seen any medical education institute from inside.
16 already? All right, then the doctor’s first has to answer:)
starting Hallux Valgus, congratulations!
as a GKV patient is the first start of the family doctor who hopefully will give you a transfer to the orthopedic.