Schmerzen im Bereich waden Achillessehne?
In letzter Zeit habe ich relativ viel Basketball gespielt. Seit dem ich so viel Basketball spiele, haben sich schmerzen im Berreich der Achillessehne/Waden gebildet. Hat jemand damit Erfahrung oder weiß was ich tun soll?
Some antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin (fluoroquinolones) can cause tendon pain. Otherwise, take a little bit or change food…
Strengthen tendons and ligaments – nutrition, vitamins, minerals & Co. (
Thank you.
Stretching and strength training, if possible eccentric. Look at the side of Dr. Matthias Marquardt, there are all kinds of exercises in Achilles watch pain
Thanks for the answer
Yeah, take a break so the muscle cat goes away.
Is not a muscle cat, but still thank you
I would try to stretch and cool and if not better go to doctor