Schmerzen hinterm Ohr und kleiner Knüppel oder so?


ich habe seit gestern manchmal Schmerzen hinterm linkem Ohr und kann auch fühlen das da etwas dicker oder geschwollen ist. Meine Schwester meinte auch, dass das hinterm Ohr rot ist und nass aussieht oder sowas.

Was könnte das sein?
Vielen Dank im Voraus!

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4 months ago

Could be a pimp. I sometimes did.

A cube behind the ear exactly in the corner of ear on skull.

In my experience get as good as never a yellow head, not like other pimples. Just getting thicker. Sometimes it hurts, sometimes not at all.

If you squeeze it after a few days, just burst it. However, it is usually hardly any pussy, but more only target liquid and some blood. Then clean up and it sounds as fast as it has come.

4 months ago

However, a lymph node swelling on the neck or ears can also indicate a tooth problem that has not been recognized until now. I was amazed by myself that after the removal of the wobble tooth all the nubbles had disappeared at the neck, but so the human body and its lymphatic system have been built up.