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2 years ago

If it affects you massively or doesn’t go away, go to your pediatrician. If it is not available (weekend/day) go to aEmergency service/professional practice. The next in your region with opening hours can be found on the homepage of the medical emergency service (or simply click on the blue font, there I have linked everything). Praxes are often attached to hospitals, but not to be confused with the emergency intake, which is for acute emergencies, i.e. if injuries/disorders are life-threatening or can be assumed from permanent damage.

You canPatient navigationuse it on the homepage and then get a recommendation for action at the end.

Alternatively, you can also call the 116117, but there are often long waiting times by phone.

More information can be found on the

(All data without guarantee)

2 years ago

Can be on many things….. too high weight, not yet really regenerated, wrong technique/execution.
Should you leave Squads for the first time and have it checked for Doc.