Schmerzen an der Eichel?
meine Eichel tut plötzlich weh. Ich war gerade noch auf Toilette, dachte es hängt damit zusammen . Beim Wasserlassen hatte ich keine Schmerzen. . Aber sie schmerzt immer noch. So als müsste ich auf Toilette, doch ich muss nicht. Von außen ist sie auch nicht rot oder so. Woran kann das liegen?
ich habe kurz zuvor mastubiert,ob es daher kommt? Kann eigentlich nicht, schließlich war es ja nicht das erste Mal. Ich glaube das was zieht, ist der Schlitz(?) der Eichel. Wenn ich sie anpacke, tut sie nicht weh.
was sollte ich tun?
An infect, maybe?? Does it hurt when watering??
If she isn’t red, it can’t actually be an inflammation of the glans..Son please let it clear, not that you caught something…good improvement
No, I was just leaving water, it was okay. Can it come from masturbating? That I was, “harsch”?
You don’t masticate like that for the first time… I don’t really think.
Yes, I still notice it, but not so bad.
Nice to meet you…then it was too forsch🙂
It’s been much better. I don’t know what that was.
Were you showering and getting soap into the urethra?
No, I was lying on the sofa, so I mastubated. Then I was letting water, it was okay.
Is it possible to get too much friction?
Yes, are you circumcised?
No. But I had something similar before, after too frequent mastubating on a day, the acorn was somewhat red. I’m always pushing your foreskin down. It wasn’t exactly the same feeling, but a similar one.
If you masturbate dry, maybe your glans are irritated. I’ve been using butter for masturbation for many years. Simply rub the glans easily with butter, then the foreskin slides better over the glans and the skin is protected. You should wash your glans with warm water and soap. I’m sure it’s okay tomorrow.
Describe the feeling exactly please