Schmerzen am fuß?
hi leute,
ich weiß ihr seid keine ärzte aber ich möchte nur fragen ob was passieren kann wenn man den einkaufswagen vollekanne gegen die fersen bekommt, denn dies is mir passiert und nun is mein fuß an der stelle blau und auch seit gestern (dem tag an dem es passierte) geschwollen.
hab angst bei ein arzt zu gehen daher auch diese frage.
Hello, I think the heel already holds a lot of things. And she has also been protected by your shoe. The blue one is very slowly back and the swelling is likely to go away a little more. Good improvement and greetings.
This happens, but should not have any health consequences.
Well, that’s probably just a bleeding. Slow down with kickboxes until it’s much better.
Thank you
So that can happen naturally. If it doesn’t go after two days, I’d be a doctor. Otherwise you can also call online and pick up advice there 🙂
Because of a blue spot, you don’t go to the doctor
What you get is called “blue stain”.
The bad do hurt but heal by themselves.