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Plombe entfernen lassen?
Ich habe jetzt seit knapp 4 Wochen eine Plombe im Zahn, aber sie tut weh. Ich kann kaum kaltes, bzw. warmes Wasser trinken. Gewöhne ich mich nach der Zeit and diesen Schmerz oder soll ich die Plombe lieber entfernen lassen?
Yeah, sure….Sellerie also tastes different from cauliflower….an apple different from a pear and a blackberry as well as a strawberry.
You grew up with his kitchen, I think that’s all.
I’m not a vegetarian… only our cocks, from natural brood, though I knew how reckless her life was…I couldn’t eat her.
And yet I couldn’t think meat out of our kitchen.
So today there is a spinach whale with onions, sliced thick eggs and bacon cubes in it…and tomorrow with bacon wrapped potatoes, baked with cheese under the bacon coat with only coffee cream…so a salad..
and who thinks chickens would be satisfied with grains, he’s terribly mistaken, for they are all-eaters, cheeses, meats, and they almost have the beak in warfare to save their pieces for themselves.
Yeah, chickens are like us, all the fresses, and I’ll be stoned right away when I say that… yes I grew up…
Would say, relatively natural, affectionate, not exploiting. just at that time…in mountain regions…yes, there was dog to eat, smoked, just like fish…
What a role does it play, rabbit, chicken, goat, fish, cow, rabbit or pig
Yeah, pork tastes different from cow. It’s another animal.
I personally find Rind more delicious than pig.
If they were all the same, you’d only have one animal.
Yes Sure brother but I find beef better but at schaschlik (some russesian) it is iwi tasty haha hard to describe
Jep, I like beef, except for Rouladen, not at all ðŸTM‚
Yes, it does, and neither tastes like chicken. 😉
Besides, pig is often more juicy and fat.
Yeah, that’s a huge difference. In my opinion, beef tastes better than pork. But that is, of course, a matter of taste.
I don’t know.
Yeah, milder.
And more juicy.
I think pig tastes more like chicken than cattle.
Yes, of course.
I think so.
Yeah, it does.
Yes, it does
Yes the two differ from the taste.
Of course.
The Hobyese Fleichesser can definitely give you this question.