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Karotten oft verfüttern?
Hallo! Ich bekomme bald Kaninchen und habe noch eine Frage. Sollen Kaninchen oft Karotten fressen? Bei Fressnapf steht das da irgendein Stoff drinnen ist und man Karotten deshalb nur einmal pro Woche verfüttern sollte. Bei anderen Webseiten steht aber das Karotten gesund sind und man sie jeden Tag verfüttern kann. Was stimmt? Wie oft soll…
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20€ für Frühstücksbuffet pro Person Reichlich Auswahl mit Eiern, Aufschnitt, Milch, Kaffee, Osaft .. Hotel Amsterdam Wir haben es ausnahmsweise mitgebucht weil Urlaub . Küche ist ja auch keine im Hotelzimmer.
Yeah, if I always buy them good at a friend. Including, I even have the choice between so many different varieties.
However, I can’t eat so much sugar myself and just enjoy it when Kirmes is and is some time for it, next to work.
Whether it’s tacky and sweet, as long as it’s always like to keep small amounts, but for strangers I don’t get it because it’s too expensive.
Also, I like to help with this or have already made children happy with the sugar cane whine.
Can also make garnish almonds selves, crepes and candy or other things, as I have worked long on Kirmes and Christmas markets alongside my normal jobs.
Unfortunately, from my point of view, the standing costs and everything that belongs to them have risen so extremely, that the prices for many Kirmes products have already risen very high. Since you also have to cover the commercial costs, my acquaintances always have to consider whether it is still worth a bit of money to sit there. I was also able to buy goods for this purpose often with a commercial card and ordered goods and purchase additional goods that you do not get in the retail trade. Nevertheless, I’ll get to such sought-after goods if I want it.
I’ve never been a big fan of, though I like sweet stuff. But more chocolate and cake.
On the Volksfest I’d rather go to Crepes, crackers and fish omelets 🙂
Jaaa, I love candy. Is sooo beautifully sweet easy!✨新😋
LG Maike
Hello touchitt,
no, sugar cane tastes me since the
Childhood no longer… much too sweet.
In general I eat extremely few and
rarely candy as I strong blood sugar –
to avoid tips for terrible,
to avoid irreversible consequential damage.
LG & Happy Christmas 🎄
On a folk festival ect. it’s just part of it. The grandchildren are already beaten. ECT
What I don’t think is a tie in the Supermartregal, in Eimers or in the cup. I’ve never bought it, but it’s the only idea….
Sugar cane is made from pure crystal sugar and is therefore unhealthy in the highest degree, exactly absorbed poison for our body. Sugar can only be absorbed by our body with the addition of phosphorus and calcium. So sugar deprives our body of these important minerals, which we then lack elsewhere.
LG by Manfred
Man does not necessarily have to make it from crystal sugar, because you can also mix it yourself if you take certain types of sugar that the body can process better. Other factors relating to the type of sugar are also crucial for the production of sugar canes.
From what other types of sugar can we still produce sugar cane – except from Sacharose (glucose + fructose)?
Pear sugar (xylite)?
Pure grape sugar = glucose?
Which specific types of sugar can the body supposedly process better?
I used to like sugar cane but meanwhile I find it very good
I like the taste, and above all, there are usually only on festivities or in any amusement parks.
I feel bad when I see these things. I might eat a little bit of it. More nich,
I like very much, only for a long time not eaten
It’s pure sugar. Harmful and boring. Good chocolate or egg yolk.
it annoys, 1 X tried, hardly in the mouth and nothing more
I think you can eat it. It’s not like I say, “igitt”. But it’s not that horny that I’d like to eat.
I’m going to get something like burned almonds as a candy.
At that time the sugar cane still tasted me, but nowadays the sugar cane would be too sticky to me and as soon as you want to try to squeeze off the sugar cane a little bit, the pure sugar sticks around everywhere.
I do not eat
Earlier as a child, I totally loved her on the Kirmes, but nowadays I haven’t eaten it for years because it’s too sticky and calorie.
I like it!
Sugar candy is delicious and she looks great. I love candy. 🍭🍭🍭
It’s just too sweet
I love it. Best blue
So I like sugar cane!
I love candy
I just don’t eat it so often😕
Best regards onecrazygirlxo💕
Tastes very good, yes
Because of consistency.
is always a must
I love sugar cane
I love sugar cane, but not the packaged and coloured, but fresh and natural.
Well, I don’t think it’s so horny because my mouth sticks and my fingers this is annoying yk
Yes! And I taste “Durstlöscher Zuckerwatte”
I never liked it.
It’s just too sweet.
as a child, but I loved them.
LG your finger
It used to be, I wouldn’t eat anything like that anymore.
I don’t like
I don’t like being a kid.
So delicious.
It’s too sticky and sweet.