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Kuchen ohne ei milch oder vanillepulver?
Kennt ihr solche Rezepte?
Aus welchem Teig sind Zimtsterne?
Der Teig besteht aus Eischnee (Eiklar), Zucker, mindestens 25 % Mandeln, Zimt und höchstens 10 % Mehl.Tatsächlich konnte ich auf die Schnelle im Netz nichts finden. Laut einer anderen fremdsprachigen Wikipedia ist es ein Eiweiß-Teig, aber mit dem Begriff kann ich nichts anfangen und ist wohl ein Übersetzungsproblem.
Was für Kuchen backt ihr am liebsten?
Was für Kuchen backt ihr am liebsten? Gerne mit Link zum Rezept🍰🧁🥧
Hello, Peter.
Of course I like to eat apple cake.
We had a big family party yesterday, there were incredibly delicious cakes and also apple cakes from the sheet. Very delicious.
💕 greetings star
Was sure a beautiful celebration 👍😄
Oh, yeah, it was very nice. Great hosts, sweet children and the whole family together again. 😃
Yeah, I like apple cake.
Lg pancakes
Yeah, but I don’t like the consistency of the apples.
Lg notnoetig ⭐
Yeah, but not everyone.
it is. Other cakes I prefer
Yes, I love apple cake 😋
Very, most preferably made vat🏻
Absolutely – right with it!
Yeah. If I chose today I was going to prefer the pruning or apricot cake.
Hi, Peter. 😊
Yeah, I like to eat applecake, I often do it at home.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
I love apple cake.
I find it very delicious
I like eating
rubber ball
Yes, very
Yes with cinnamon.
Jap, can be delicious
Yeah, I’m fine.
It’s all said
Only if my sister baked him.
Depending on where he comes from.
Even baked, always.
I like to. But also many other varieties of cakes.
Yes if there’s plenty of sprout on it.
I like to eat apple cake.
I don’t know. Never eat.
Smell it!