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I’ve eaten both of them. If the food is particularly cheap, you can taste it out. Especially cheap meat is placed in water in many shops in Germany, so you can sell more mass. – For years, more kg of meat have been sold globally than annually.
Whether you get the better meat in the supermarket at a higher price is a gambling game. If you go to a meat shop (metzgerei), which divides the meat itself and possibly even slaughters itself, the origin can still be traced relatively easily. So you can have greater chances of getting to the better quality meat.
Eggs make it even more noticeable. When the chickens get fish meal as food, the chicken eggs taste sometimes even fishy. For fish meal, fish are usually caught from the world seas in large quantities and processed to fish meal. This contributes to overfishing. Thus, this practice is more of a less sensible approach from environmental, species protection and health aspects.
yes, it is often said that animals that have led a good and happy life taste better. When animals grow up in stress-free environment, are fed healthy and can naturally move, this has an influence on the quality of their meat. Happy animals tend to have less stress hormones in the body, which can affect the taste. 🤍🫧 In contrast, animals kept under bad conditions may have been stressed or sick, often a lesser quality meat. That is why many people rely on sustainable, species-friendly animal husbandry because it not only improves animal welfare, but also influences the quality of the end product. So yes, a happy animal can definitely affect the taste! 🍖🐄 But you can try it. Buy organic meat and other meat and try to make a difference. :
Sea sound 🌊🤍🐚
The muscles are better developed in an animal with pasture than in stables.
It has also often been found that with cheap quality the piece of meat slips together in the pan.
The stress-free battle also has a great influence. The best quality does not use anything when the battle road is created.
You can taste stress hormones in the flesh. Like, for example, increased hormones at pairing time and the like.
How do you know?
Life experience
Yes ne already clear😅