Schmeckt Buttercremetorte?

Ich will für meine Konfirmation eine Torte backen, welche ich mit Buttercreme verzieren möchte. Mein Vater meint jedoch dass niemand mehr Buttercreme isst weil das nicht schmeckt. Meine Frage ist nun: “Schmeckt die Torte mit Buttercreme dann schlechter, bzw. kann ich meine Torte damit verzieren?

Danke schonmal für Antworten!

PS.: es ist eine Erdbeertorte, falls das was ausmacht.

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1 year ago

So I love butter cream and my whole family too. My grandma and mom always make butter cream cakes for birthdays.

1 year ago

Butter cream is really delicious. I also often turn to my cakes. There are some who are then too much or too sweet but many find great. Definitely a much better alternative to decorate the cake as a fondant!! :

1 year ago

Hi, I’m a confectioner and, in principle, cakes with butter cream are still high in the course, even though some may be too sweet or old baked.

You can choose between three varieties of butter cream:

German butter cream, French and Italian butter cream.

I personally like to take French butter cream, as this is lighter and less sweet – in any case recommended, just if you, like your father, are not a fan of sweets.

Optionally you can still use aromas or syrup such as pistazie, almond etc. and give the butter cream a taste different touch.


1 year ago

If my father makes butter cream cakes for birthdays, the relationship will run us in.