Schmeckt Bolognese in Kantinen anders?

Ich möchte gerne eine Bolognese kochen und dann hab ich mich daran erinnert, dass die Bolognese in Mensen und Kantinen z.B. in der Schule immer ein bisschen anders geschmeckt hat, als die italienische, die ich immer mache… irgendwie war die meist zwiebellastiger, hatte keine Karotte oder Sellerie, aber hat auch insgesamt anders geschmeckt, nicht so säuerlich tomatig, sondern eher fleischiger? Und von der Farbe her war es eher bräunlich als rot 🤔 Ist das ein Einzelphänomen oder kennt das jemand und was ist da genau anders? Ich sehne mich gerade nach dem Geschmack und würde die gerne so kochen.

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1 year ago

The canteen taste? Red in the brownish?

I haven’t tried yet, but I’d be less Use tomatoes and no fresh onions and garlic. Simply more tomato paste and onions and garlic as a powder. And in the end for sweetness and colour in brown 😉 milk and cream.

1 year ago

How are you preparing your plans?

I roast the minced beef only with garlic and swirl and then fill it with tomatoes from the can otherwise some pepper, thyme and chilli will get it all up to 40 minutes.

Of course, that’s not an original Italian version, but I don’t see how to cook for 4 hours.

1 year ago
Reply to  HesslerITCon

It’s a Ragu! There are also various versions in Italy. So don’t move!

Ragu di Bologna is just a version of a Ragu from Italy.

1 year ago

My simmers up to four hours, has a wonderful garlic perfume and the consistency of a spread or jam. I’d never eat it in canteens.

1 year ago
Reply to  tucarcel

Thinking would be progress. Thus it is proven that the elsewhere is made just differently 😁 😁

1 year ago

Yes there are different variants to cook at the Bolognese so this is not unusual but often happens

1 year ago

Buy a finished product and it is likely to be beneficial.

Of course this is different from kantine to canteen as it tastes.

1 year ago

Mensen cook on mass… And usually under time pressure! Cooking a classic Italian Bolognese is simply not possible. Of course she tastes different and looks different. Onions are cheaper filler, the chop is from pig, because cheaper than beef, however carrots and celery are quite in our recipe. The main part of the ” sauce” is mostly tomato paste. In order to sell cheap and good food in the menses, it is necessary to pay attention to ingredients that are not too expensive and yet appropriate and good. I guess you’re not cooking at home.