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5 months ago

Cigarillos are small cigars but it is very important for tobacco, because there are great differences. On the other hand, pipe tobacco is somewhat different in production and there are also quite different cultivation areas.

When comparing naturally aromatized Cigarillos with aromatized pipe tobacco Depending on the aroma you find a clear relationship here again.

5 months ago

No, even some cigars can taste very different. Tobacco is not the same as tobacco. For the first time, it comes from different regions of the world, then it matures in part very differently, while the respective environmental conditions play a role, and some tobaccos are also provided with additives that influence the taste. As far as only a rough outline is concerned. So you see, there are many different factors that affect the taste of tobacco. In cigars and cigarillos, the effect also plays a role, i.e. the cigar is very tightly packed, this affects the intensity as well as the smoke behavior, etc.

It’s just my personal opinion, or my taste. Some may see differently

5 months ago


5 months ago

Unfortunately no, it all tastes different, depending on the type of tabbac!