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I don’t like pure chocolate but if there’s a cake like it!
Too schokoladig
I can’t stand chocolate and I don’t like milk
Actually, I’m lactoseintolerant, but it still tastes so delicious 😩
you can’t resist
Then take lactose-free milk (◠‿◕)
Also a delicious combination, which tastes me
No, it doesn’t like brownis.
Doesn’t sound very tempting.
Clear is chocolate and chocolate is always delicious:D
Jaaa of course, it is so delicious 😍
Now I got hungry for it…
I don’t like brownies🙈
I haven’t tried yet.
No, only without milk
Yes, of course…
everything else..ciao haha
Especially warm brownie with liquid core
I always like to eat brownies with quark or yogurt as I find the mix of sweet and sour great:)
Neither Quark nor Jogurt should be mad. But you can add a little lemon juice if you want to try it.
Doesn’t like a cow juice