Schluck Soja?

Kann man jeden Tag ein paar schlücke Sojasauce nehmen zusammen mit nen stück Knoblauch um mehr weibliche Hormone zu bekommen?

Phytoöstrogene, also in Pflanzen enthaltene Östrogene, können den Östrogenwert erhöhen. Sie stecken in Lebensmitteln wie Soja, Leinsamen und Bohnen. Weitere

Hab das gelesen und frag ich mich ob das was bringt oder Humbug ist

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2 years ago

Soy sauce is not a whole food but a pure spice sauce.

And it should not be too much to consume.

(would at least be completely new)

For women the healthy Phytoestrogens you should get better

  • Bio Tofu
  • Tempeh
  • Soya milk
  • Edamame

etc fall back:


2 years ago

Only wonders whether the potential disadvantages can be lower or greater than the potential advantages with increased absorption of phytoestrogens via certain foods.

In soy sauce itself, it seems to be the first thing to do. And with all the other ingredients (plus a lot of salt), it would certainly be more ideal if you take more direct soy products instead of seasoning sauce.

2 years ago

It is unlikely that taking soy sauce and garlic will help you get more female hormones.

Hormones are complex chemical substances that are produced by the glands of the endocrine system and exert important functions in the body. It is important that hormone production in the body remains in equilibrium, and taking certain foods cannot affect this balance.

If you have any concerns about your hormone balance, I recommend that you contact a doctor or medical expert who can help you assess and treat your problem.

2 years ago


Reasons: in soy sauce – a fermented soy product, many ingredients are already degraded and even the same amount of tofu/soya drink is a much too small amount.

No, soy, a food is not a hormone preparation.

2 years ago


Soy sauce I would not recommend, in general I would be careful with soybeans, eat bloss bio and blossus from the EU, because rainforest is cut off on the one hand and on the other hand 90% of the soybean is genetically modified (most of them are animal feed)


2 years ago

You can, but don’t do anything.

2 years ago
