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8 months ago

To plan photo tours, I recommend OpenStreetMap, as there are also hiking trails, sights and viewing points.

Here is a map detail for Neuschwanstein Castle:

But if I interpret the photo you have posted correctly, the location of the photo should be east of the castle, behind the Pöllat Gorge.

And there is no viewpoint in the map and not even a hiking trail.

But there’s another way south. It is also listed in Google Maps and in Google Maps, lookout points are also marked on the way – so you sometimes have to combine OpenStreetMap and Google Maps to get a complete overview.

However, the position of this path is so far south that the angle of view of the image posted by you does not really fit.

8 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

So the views in the video look impressive.

But I think the video is safe for security.

The author says in the video “crazy climbing”.

And the way can hardly be seen in the video.

Only that the path in the maps is not recorded should make a stubborn one.

And if the way is grown, it is also a bad sign, because that shows that the path is hardly used.

My motto for hiking in nature:

  • Is the path clearly visible on site (is clear from the terrain)?
  • Is the path marked on site (e.g. by signs or symbols painted on trees)?
  • Is the way listed on a map?

If I can’t answer at least one of these questions with “Yes!” I’d rather avoid the way. In addition, of course, factors such as steepness and surface quality also play a role.

When you get out of the video, you should be critical of these questions.

One more note:

Of course, some adventurous people will say:

“It’s just my problem if I get in danger in unavoidable terrain.”

But that is not true, because if the adventurer then has an accident, the rescue forces are forced to get in danger too.

8 months ago

The article from the blog is interesting, almost as exciting as a crime:-)

But I meanwhile see that it is basically not a hiking theme, but a mountaineering theme.

So there is no way (in the sense of a way you walk along), but at best a climbing route.

This explains why there are no ways in the maps in this area.

Do you have mountaineering experience?

8 months ago

There are several viewpoints (arrows), but the person seems to have stood somewhere in the area of the circle from which one has a look at the red building. There seems to be no official ways:

8 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

In the video, they seem to go up the river. I had to see if you were allowed to do this or it was locked. I have read on the map at Openmaps a note that it is locked due to stone strike. And probably not quite safe to crawl up there.