Schlimm wenn Sonnenlicht auf das Aquarium kommt?


mein Aquarium steht neben den Fenster und damit kein Sonnenlicht drauf scheint muss der Vorhang etwas zu sein. Ich will mein Aquarium aber etwas verschieben weil ich mir eine Komode kaufen will und wollte Fragen ob es schlimm ist wenn etwas Sonnenlicht auf das Aquarium scheint.

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2 years ago

I cannot imagine that natural sunlight should be harmful, neither for plants nor for fish! In nature there are also no neon tubes or LED lights, as is widely used in aquariums. In nature, all waters of sun rays are penetrated, I even think this can be far better than the artificial light of neon tubes…

2 years ago

This depends on the fish or creatures living in it, but most animals also need sunlight.

2 years ago

The aquarium does not harm sunlight. I didn’t know that glass was damaged by sunlight.

2 years ago
Reply to  SubToPewdiePie

Oh. This is not the case. What about the algae? Like other plants, they grow under sunlight. If the aquarium is not on the window, it needs artificial lighting. You can save them, depending on how long the sun shines on the aquarium.

2 years ago

Yoa, but there are films that can be glued from behind

2 years ago

This is not really bad, it accelerates but algae growth

2 years ago

When sunlight comes directly into the aquarium, then inevitably algae will settle and you will certainly get problems with it.

2 years ago

Fish are then afraid, they also like dark sand rather than light gravel etc. Make black cardboard to the sunny side.

2 years ago
Reply to  SubToPewdiePie

Algae naturally like sunlight.

2 years ago
Reply to  FabianPavian

Fish then fear

Why should fish be afraid of natural sunlight? So according to your logic, all fish in nature are afraid when daylight reaches the water…?