Schleim im Hals geht nicht weg?
ich habe seit ein paar Wochen das Problem, dass ich einen verschleimten Rachen habe. Mal mehr mal weniger aber so richtig weg geht es nicht.
Ich glaube, es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten, woran das liegen könnte.
Ich habe nämlich in den letzten Wochen Probleme mit meinem Weisheitszahn gehabt. Daher könnte es ja eventuell vom Zahn kommen.
Die andere Möglichkeit ist, dass es eventuell eine Magen Darm Sache ist, da ich wegen des Zahns Antibiotikum genommen habe und diese ja gerne Magen Darm Probleme machen. Und tatsächlich hatte ich wägrend der Zeit auch immer mal wieder Sodbrennen.
Daher denke ich, dass es von einer dieser beiden Sachen kommt.
Weiß da jemand, was ich machen könnte?
Danke im Voraus;)
Hello, I’d consult the doctor. Or an HNO doctor.
Good improvement.
Thank you. Have you ever had anything like that before?
Sure. And no, I can’t remember that I had my two wisdom-tooth-ops slime in my throat. I certainly didn’t take antibiotics. The ops have been back too long.
Go to the doctor on Monday if it doesn’t get better. Maybe it’s the HNO. You don’t need to transfer from the doctor!
No, he was inflamed. That’s why I got the antibiotic.
The tooth doesn’t make any problems anymore. It’s just the slime.
But ironically, this is better with the slime since I wrote the question.
Watch this now and see how it develops.
And thank you for the recovery requests.
Oh, I thought it would have been drawn due to complications, so also the antibiotic…it is only advisable to visit a dentist if you have problems with the wisdom tooth. I really can only wish you a quick improvement.
Yeah, I’m thinking right now.
I still have the wisdom teeth. At the moment, it is actually doing better. I’ll see how it develops.
For a worn throat, you can take mucous membrane remover ACC 600 acup, or Mucosolvan ret. tablet.
This dissolves with enough liquid, which you drink daily viscous slime.
If this doesn’t change within 3-4 days, I would visit the HNO doctor.
Also inhaling with 3% sodium chloride solution in hot water bath, with a handbag above the head can dissolve slime.
Good improvement for you.
Thanks for the answer and the recovery requests.
Are these means unprecedented and if so you get them only in the pharmacy or even in normal trade?
These are recipe-free means, from the pharmacy, good improvement for you.
Thank you.