schlechtes Internet im Epicgames store?


ich habe leider seit heute das Problem, dass ich während eines Updates im epic games store sehr schlechtes internet habe (100kb bis 900kb). Dies kann aber nicht an meiner Internetverbindung liegen, da diese mindestens 12mbs und 100 mbits schnell seien sollte. Internet Geschwindigkeit Tests belegen dies. Ich habe auch schon versucht mein PC, Epic games launcher, Wlan(Ethernet) neuzustarten. Teilweise läuft das update auch gar nicht mehr weiter. Darauf habe ich den Schluss gezogen, dass es nur an den Epic games launcher liegen kann. Der antwortet aber aktuell nicht auf meine Support anfrage. Ich habe noch Bilder hinzugefügt um meine Probleme zu verdeutlichen. Gibt es eine Lösung um diese Probleme zu lösen?

Ich habe nicht sonderlich viel Ahnung von Internet usw. also bitte nicht wundern wenn ich mich irgendwo falsch ausgedrückt habe

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4 months ago

The EPIC not always have the best servers is normal but also no matter. But if I see that it is about FORTNITE (although the 5th contribution I answered today) it is logical that the servers are out or overloaded.

I think it’s more that too many people at the same time are/were downloading the update. I experience this with my 100 line, for example, with the update of WoW or Diablo 3/4.

When suddenly a spontaneous Day One Patch appears, I have the A card and sauge at wall speed. Which is why I let time pass and later try voila again full speed there.

4 months ago

(1) New Fortnite Session, so the servers are loaded anyway.

2) Support responds, but you are not the only one that creates a ticket. (Doesn’t anyone have patience or what?)

4 months ago
Reply to  PlsHelpMe187

It is true that you are sometimes routed via bad lines.But this is not the fault of epi but more on your provider or location where there are simply no good or weak switches. The servers are always in a data center that have enough power. Make a ping request to the update server with the command “ping -l 12 IP” and can then post the ping times! and make an order in the cmd. “tracert” then you usually see where the weak spot lies. Alternatively, a VPN server that is in a computing center and has no trick, would be a solution, because most of the computing runs are already connected to each other.