Schlechtes Immunsystem?
ich bin wirklich ungelogen jeden Monat mindestens einmal krank seit ca einem halben Jahr. Ich hatte vor 2 Wochen erst eine starke Bronchitis und letzten Donnerstag dann das nächste bekommen – Magen Darm. Letzte Nacht hab ich wieder angefangen mich zu übergeben und irgendwie geht’s mir jetzt genauso wieder wie Donnerstag, obwohl es mir seit Samstag wieder gut ging. Es ist so belastend und ich hab so unfassbar viele Fehltage. Sollte ich dafür mal zu einem Arzt gehen oder habt ihr da noch andere Tipps das Immunsystem zu stärken?
Personally I take super good vitamins and substances in mega delicious drinks to me! Wasn’t much sick for four years and feels really good. Whether what is for you – I can only speak for me 🙂
Anyway, go to the doctor and check your blood values. Incl. VitaminD3 & Co. You may have one or more defects.
And of course, you should see that you have a healthy lifestyle. Sufficient sleep, lots of exercise, healthy diet, …
First, rethink the way of life. Those who do not live healthy must also expect the immune system to weaken again and again. Even underweight is often a reason.
Moreover, the usual infectious diseases are. It is not unusual that the body has to acquire new immunity through a disease in phases.
Thanks for the answer. I’m also underweight, but that’s longer because I can’t increase
Then it’s not surprising that you’re always sick. Especially since it’s been a long time.
Well, these are tips you’ll always get to hear, but:
– lots of movement in the fresh air
-less processed sugar and much vegetables -> balanced diet
-Cold/hot shower
-Environments like prawns/sick people avoid.
Take off the school. This should strengthen your immune system directly.
? What can I do if I always get involved with something new?😅
You’re not in school on Mondays or Fridays. There can be no more talk of a random event.
No immune system strengthens before sources of infection.