Schlechte Leber was tun?

Hallo also letztens war ich zum ersten mal was trinken und es ist zu dem Punkt eskaliert wo alle einen Alkoholtest machen mussten. Ich habe nicht mehr als andere getrunken (gibt Beweise) und hatte viel mehr Promille. Mir wurde gesagt ich hab eine schlechte leber. Vielleicht sollte man anmerken dass ich relativ dünn bin. Soll ich irgendwas dagegen tun oder sowas oder passt das schon.

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Policemen cannot judge the health of your liver using a breathing alcohol test. You should leave it to doctors who can examine you.

Talk to your pediatrician about it. And do not drink so much in the future.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Klugeratte

It doesn’t matter. They should remain with what they are paid for and leave diagnostics to the appropriate professionals.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Cops are just people. Doctors are just people. No human being is perfect. Neither police nor doctors should throw any mutations into the room beyond their respective areas of competence.

1 year ago

The police said that and my friend had actually eaten less

Apparently, there are idiots among police. What a fucking bullshit!

1 year ago

If you don’t drink any more, it’s clear that you don’t have much.

Someone who constantly drinks more and is used to it.

Think your liver’s okay.

1 year ago
Reply to  Klugeratte

That can have many reasons. Eat too little, drink too fast, etc.

1 year ago

who told you you were bad? You can always talk to your home doctor when you worry.

think more that it’s with your body weight and vllt that you had less eating in the like than your friends hanged that you were so much more drunk

1 year ago
Reply to  Klugeratte

ok, I think he meant that more than a joke, but as I said, you can let it look at you again, is really good to know in general

1 year ago

Your doctor should have this checked, not anyone.