Schlechte Internetverbindung WLAN Stick?
Guten Tag.
Und zwar haben wir Zuhause eine 200K Leitung.
Mache ich in meinem Zimmer mit meinem Handy, Tablet oder sonstigen Geräten, kommt die volle Leitung auch an.
An meinem Gaming PC, welcher im selben Raum ist wie mein Habdy, kommen allerdings mit WLAN Stick (AVM 860) nur 50-60k an.
Ich hab keine Ahnung wo das Problem liegt, zu mal ich vor Wochen am PC auch 200K hatte. Plötzlich nur noch schlechtes Internet am PC.
jemand eine Idee?
If locally possible, devices that do not change their location and have a connection should be put into the network with a cable connection.
Is that an option with you?
We had a similar problem with us in the apartment in Nienburg – the problem was not the Internet but that the WLAN was simply overcrowded and therefore it has caused disturbances – we simply changed to LAN and since that there are no further problems.
Don’t come with me. What about 200k line? The ancient Modems 30 years ago had 58kBit performance.
At 2.4GHz the stick can be up to 300Mb
Explain how you measure what kind of internet (DSL or radio) and how the location is. Does the Gaming PC stand in another room?
Does the stick use 2.4 or 5ghz?
Do you have relatively many networks in your area? This is a problem at 2.4 ght.
See if you’ll get this switched over to 5ghz in some way.