Bad experience with tandem skydiving?

Last week I jumped out of a plane as a tandem parachute jumper. I thought it was really cool, even though I'm a little disappointed because the whole thing was over way too quickly and it felt way too "easy."

There was another tandem passenger with me, and he must have had the horror of his life. I managed to overcome my nervousness and excitement with chatter, but he himself was sitting in the same plane and didn't say a word.

After landing, he went to the toilet and could hardly say a word afterwards.

What happened there?

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5 years ago

He has risen.. Normally one settles quickly when one has solid ground under the feet.

It is also a difficult task for the parachute jumper if the guest gets panicked or unconscious. Anxiety people usually do not register for this. If someone says NO, he can also sit in the plane. Something happens.

Medically there is a risk that someone hyperventilates until unconsciousness (i.e. extremely fast breathing). First aid is: let breathe into a plastic bag to avoid oxygen saturation. Of course I’m on the ground.

How do I know, I’m going to be a sailplane pilot with a guest.

5 years ago
Reply to  blackhaya

that has little to do with real loads or dangers, that takes place in the head.

5 years ago

Every person reacts differently… the one better get the other worse

If you found it too easy to make the next jump to training. The world looks very different again;)

5 years ago

I never jumped tandem, always alone, whether with hooked leash or in free fall. You don’t have to be disappointed, target jumping or free jumping is only possible after a thorough training. If you liked it then join a civilian parachute sports club.

5 years ago
Reply to  blackhaya

It’s already booked, it’s going to sweep me for you!

5 years ago

What happened? You were extremely unsensible and you texted the other one if he would rather have rested.

5 years ago

He was simply shocked. Possibly he didn’t want it at all, but it had to because of a bet or courtesy, because the jump may be. A gift was.