Schlecht behandelt werden?
Meine Mutter behandelt mich seit 5 jahren seit ich 12 bin wie der letzte dreck (auch mal schläge) und gibt mir geld als ob mich das Geld glücklich macht mir gehts psychisch sehr schlecht ich könnte jederzeit was schlimmes machen kann mir jmd helfen?
Oh, that sounds bad. It’s illegal if your mother beats you. You should be seventeen, maybe go to the police or to the youth office, but definitely get help. If you’re mentally ill, a therapy could help, but first go to the police
I’m so sorry for you. You don’t have a family except your mother?
If you don’t get any help, I’d turn to social workers of the Caritas or the Diakonie. Find in any case people who accept you and do you well.
Maybe you can look for a therapy oha for as long as five years she has treated you like dirt oh my God why didn’t you call the police and said my mother beats me maybe you can also show the blue spots at the police or go to the doctor.
Contact Youth Office or emergency assistance