Drums – what next?
Hi, I (16) recently bought a new drum kit and I'm very happy with it. I used a Sonor Force 2001 for 10 years and now have a Mapex Armory. What else can I add, or what would you do?
Hi, I (16) recently bought a new drum kit and I'm very happy with it. I used a Sonor Force 2001 for 10 years and now have a Mapex Armory. What else can I add, or what would you do?
Also ich hab kein absolutes Gehör, trainiere aber ein bisschen, ohne Noten was auf dem Klavier nachzuspielen. Aktuell noch Melodien, die ich eigentlich gut kenne, also von meinen Lieblingssongs. Jetzt kann ich aber schon seit etwas längerer Zeit einfach nicht feststellen, was für eine Tonabfolge genau an der einen Stelle kommt, weil es je nach…
Hey, Do the tuners or tuners have to be from the same brand as the guitar or can they be any? (I'm a beginner so I don't know.) Does anyone have a link to a tuner for a Squier Strat electric guitar? Thanks c:
Hey Meine erste E-Gitarre war eine Harley Benton, nicht die beste aber damals hat’s gereicht. Jetzt bin ich am Punkt, wo ich langsam immer höher mit den Preisen gehe. Jetzt stell ich mir die Frage, ob man die Harley Benton noch verkaufen kann, Problem bei der Sache ist aber auch, dass ich damals mit einem…
Also wie lange würde es dauern Klavier spielen zu lernen ich müsste halt noch noten usw lernen weil ich will Klavier spielen können und jo weil ich finde es immer so ein wow Moment wenn jemand den Twilight song am Klavier spielt und wen ich das auch spielen könnte jo were schon der Hammer hihihihi…
I'm definitely going for the electric guitar, but I'd love to hear your opinions on it and why you think this or that is better.
Hallo zusammen, meine Gitarre ist letztens umgefallen, weil mein Hund dagegen gelaufen ist, und jetzt hat sie einen Riss im Kopf (siehe Bilder). Der Riss ist nicht super groß, aber deutlich sichtbar. Ich bin kein Profi oder großer Gitarrenkenner, sondern spiele nur hin und wieder und kenne mich nicht so gut aus. Meine Frage: Kann…
So I have several sets. Some seer large others held rather minimalist.
with you, maybe I’d grab a double-footed pole.
Besides, I would put the big floor tom a little further to the right, like on this photo.
What you can do is to put you a second hihat, then I would take something bigger like 15 or 16 inches so you have a higher difference to your 13 inches hihat. This is very good either with a cable hihat which has the advantage that you can control the hihat like its normal hihat with the foot or you simply take a supplementary arm where you can’t use the hihat with the foot.
This is simply a supplement poor
That would be a cable hihat
did you think about another crash? 14 Or 18-19 you haven’t.
that would be a 14 inch from the dark matter series of zultan. I can only recommend very great series.
that is an 18 inch mine byance also very horny
you could just as well focus on more drums with zb. A redotom set like this one of remo.
Or just a rack tom with maybe 8 inches to it if you also want a fat floor tom somewhere like e.g. Here on the left side
I just figured out that you still got the hard work on it. Maybe just replace them.
more and more drummers also have at their acoustic drumsets at e.g. The page sample pads like e.g. This drummer (the pink on the side xD)
you could make sooo much more zb. A cowbell, a trash stack, trasher has or bell to have called a few.
you can send me a friendship request if you are interested in something and then I might recommend something from drummer to drummer. or you want to leave your set this way, then maybe I can help you build it a little cleaner.
lg and perhaps to soon marlon677
why, thank you for the graceful tips! I’ll check this out and ask you again if I need some tips…
Thanks and greet
You’ll be happy to think about it 🙂
Wow respect for so many pelvis on drums and so I have been playing drums for 10 years but have not yet come to get me further pelvis and drums I have also played in 2 bands in my school time as drummer so hat off and on so
LG Reiter03
That’s right.
Double bass pedal
I’ve already thought about it, but I don’t know how the place is supposed to be, and that’s almost with a foot.
Could you recommend it?