Schlagzeug Spielen ohne Noten?

Hallo ist es möglich Schlagzeug Spielen ohne Noten zu lernen ich hab leider 2 Krankheiten durch die ich es nicht schaffe mir die Noten zu merken egal wie oft ich es versuche deswegen wollte ich fragen ob es auch ohne Noten möglich ist Schlagzeug zu lernen und wen nicht wie kann ich am besten die Noten lernen?

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4 months ago


Of course, this goes without notes, but it is recommended to read the notes for the beginning. Although you will be able to play simple 4/4 beats to the songs, you will not be able to conjure up a mega rhythm by lack of experience. Best example for me was the Rosanna Shuffle from TOTO – without notes never playable (you just don’t hear it out)

That’s why give the notes a chance, because these aren’t so difficult to read. And they have nothing to do with reading weaknesses and math weaknesses, you can learn everything.

Good luck to you!


4 months ago
Reply to  Lissi26


I understand your problem now. But I have to tell you something. The “musical” memory is stronger than if you want to acquire the math, for example. Sometimes I don’t know how I can all remember the notes, but hey, somehow it works;)


4 months ago

Have you lost the system? Drum notes do not call sounds in the conventional sense, but mean the set parts to play, you see exactly when to play… and that is always the same.


Otherwise, up to a certain degree, one can learn at least simple basic rhythms even without notes. But only to a certain degree.


4 months ago

I don’t understand – numbers and letters you can also remember why then no notes?

But it is clear that rhythms can be internalized by repeated hearing even without a note image.

4 months ago

I am officially too lazy to learn notions and especially with drums it is easy to learn songs even without notes. In addition, when playing, I have the eyes to read.

4 months ago

I play guitar, not drums, but I play a lot after my own punctures. This should work the same with drums.

4 months ago

You can learn any instrument without notes.

Except maybe classical piano.

4 months ago

I think that’s all right

4 months ago

Yeah, go.

I don’t know how many times I’m trying

Sounds like a modern excuse. Nowadays all diseases have to be special. I would like to meet people again who accept that they cannot do certain things or are too lazy for something. It’s not a shame. However, those who are always trying to find out diseases will not be able to learn certain things.