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1 month ago

As long as you don’t have a lasting severe pain, feeling or movement disorder, everything should be okay. Why this has happened now, of course, we can say no. But without guessing this background, how a user here to show your father the same way, I think – without further information – is covered. In any case, as far as your spine is concerned, you don’t need to worry, I think.

1 month ago
Reply to  Lololokop

I think your vertebral column is bruised, but net permanently hurt. If this has happened intentionally and your father has physically abused you beforehand, then you have every right to ensure that it will never repeat. Whether he has done this from evil intent, in affect or under the influence of some substances, such as alcohol. If he’s under control, he can hurt you really hard. Only you know him and your prehistory and can appreciate it. If it’s the way I’m afraid you should have the traces of the stroke documented medically, e.g. a bleeding or something, and make it appear. Because then your father is a danger for you and perhaps for others!

Best wishes Moritz

1 month ago

Not necessarily. But your father has to worry when you show him.

1 month ago

Yeah, because he could kill you if you’re bad luck and you’re supposed to go to the police right now.

LG Animelove007

1 month ago

You’re 18 and your father beats you?