Sleeping pills don't work?
I have the problem that sleeping pills don't work for me. I've tried different brands and even got one from a friend who was prescribed it by her doctor, and it didn't work for me either (it worked for her straight away). Why is that?
Remote diagnosis wouldn’t even make a doctor!
Please go to the doctor and let you examine! Depending on the result of the investigation, he/she will prescribed you a drug that will also help.
Perhaps other things, such as sleep rhythm or mental factors, also play a role that you cannot fall asleep?
The doctor will help you in any case!
May be that someone has had similar experiences
Yes, of course! If it helps you, everything is okay! 😊
Too much drugs consumed?
Never, drink or smoke. Sleeping pills I have taken only in the worst emergencies so maybe 8 pieces in the last 5 years, not every day as some do
You should have a thorough examination to find out why you have a sleep problem.
I have very rare sleep problems, most of them came through excitement and stress during my abyss, but whenever I took them in advance because I knew that I can’t sleep the night, it didn’t work.
If you read your question, it sounds different.
I’ve tried, but it doesn’t work well with me.
Enter Google: Sleeping through autogenous training
There are some advice that helps well, I do that too.
Well, now and then I don’t have them as well as then, I don’t take any more, but it was a question that blurred in my head