Schlafparalyse auch mit Augenklappen?
Hab es zum Glück noch nie erlebt, aber ich schlafe meistens mit Augenklappe und wollte fragen ob ich dadurch auch eine schlafparalyse erleben kann, weil doch meine Augen komplett zu gedeckt sind und ich nur schwarz sehe, wie soll ich da eine Gestalt erkennen? Und wenn ich keine Augenklappe an hab kann ich auch eine Schlafparalyse erleben wenn ich aufwache und nur ins Zimmer starre, obwohl es da komplett dunkel ist, ich meine wie soll ich dann da eine Gestalt oder so erkennen?
I think the worst part is fear.
And if you’ve hidden your eyes, you don’t know if you’d see someone or not.
I think that’s a lot worse at the moment than the shock when it comes to awakening.
I don’t know what I see, how am I supposed to hallucinate if I don’t see anything and don’t know about it? That’s good, why is that much worse?? I can’t check
because at the moment the eyelight is the only thing you have.
If you take this, you are practically completely defenseless and could not even see a danger if you cannot move.
Your brain doesn’t work logically at these moments. If it were, you would immediately know that it’s an imagination and you wouldn’t care!
At such moments, the brain automatically switches to panic mode and that means that you are even more defenseless than before.
Put an eyelid on you, but I promise you, you’ll do it once
You get used to it, you have my whole life.
Kraaaasss this is 1000 times worse than sleep paralysis, I wish you all good
Balance and orientation disorder.
short: Sometimes I took my surroundings completely twisted.
My body tells me zb, which is up below etc.
When I wake up at night, I have practically the feeling of lying on the ceiling and rushing to “below” every moment.
I could move, but at that moment you’re too scared you’re falling down.
I trained over the years to fix an orientation point in the room, if I hadn’t, or would be completely blind, that would be in a panic situation as if you shut your eyes while running over a railway track where a train goes in your direction.
What is it with you?
I wouldn’t do that with sleep paralyses.
I never had one, but I have another problem that comes very close to it, so I know the difference very well.
What exactly does that mean I only see eyelight? Isn’t that the same if I have an eye flap or not? So you don’t think I’m supposed to wear an eyelid at all?
It is dark but you can see outlines and the shape is also visible, so it was so with me
You can also see something with eye flap??
Well, when I had a sleep paralysis, I could see through my ceiling, so I wouldn’t exclude it.
Normally this can not happen but sleep paralysis can also be just a feeling
You can always get
Also with eye flap? How am I supposed to know?
This does not necessarily have something to do with optical halucinations. In some cases one does not halutinate
And that means what exactly?
You lie there and cannot move