hallo zusammen
ich habe in einer stunde meine erste magenspiegrlung, hier wird mir propfol gespritzt
das problem ist aber jetzt da ich angst habe und nervös war, bin ich die ganze nacht wach geblieben und konnte kein auge zu machen. Ich habe zuletzt um 18 Uhr gegessen und gegen 5 Uhr morgens noch 4 kleine schlückchen wasser getrunken wegen meinem kreislauf.
Meine frage: gibt es jetzt dadurch irgendwelche nebenwirkungen auf das propofol??? ich hab angst das ich währenddessen aufwache oder nach der untersuchung mich übergeben muss oder sonst irgendwas schlimmes? weil ich ja auch die ganze nacht jetzt wach war
ich hoffe ihr habt gute tipps für mich, danke
You don’t need to be afraid of anything, it’s a harmless matter.
I let them do this regularly (and my husband too) and we never had any problems.
All the best and that with your stomach is all right.
thank you very dear of you 🙂 I was only worried because I was awake the whole night now whether it has any side effect, because it made me also bad 😒
Whether you have slept or not, the propofol does not affect. You can’t eat anything anymore.
And you don’t have to be afraid. You’ll be annoyed and you’ll sleep all of it. Then you wake up in the wake room.
But then someone should take home because it is not recommended to drive even car, to such an anesthesia.
By the way, I started singing quietly in my sleep, the doctors told me. That was real creepy.😅
At the first gastric level, you’re still annoying. There is no reason for the Nervoessein. You don’t get anything. I even had my last stomach reflection during the lunch break:). Whether you’ve been through the night or not, the Propofol doesn’t care.
Thank you!! I had somehow feared that I had to hand over to it because I didn’t get an eye today
do not worry, there will be no side effects
No, it’s okay. It’s been a lot.
had you been through the night and then got propofol?
Not through, but little sleep and excited already at the beginning. Never been a problem.
It’s gonna be okay, don’t worry.