Schlaffe haut nach abnehmen?

Hey hab vor in den nächsten 6-7 Wochen ca. 12-15kg abzunehmen. Sprich jede Woche ungefähr 2kg. Ich mache 5-6x Woche Sport ca. 1,5h.
Ich bin 16 Jahre alt , weiblich , 1,77cm groß und wiege 85kg zurzeit…das sind 13kh übergewichtig und jetzt habe ich Angst überschüssige Haut zu haben. Kann mich mal jemand dies bezüglich aufklären ?

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2 years ago

now I’m afraid to have excess skin

So what? Is that an argument to stay thick?

Can anyone explain this to me?

the skin forms with the weight loss. Better for young people, the older you get the worse. Whether or not you have excess skin after your removal, can’t be said.

However, I am sure that no hanging skin remains for a 16-year-old after the degradation of 13 kg overweight.


kami1a, UserMod Light
2 years ago

Hello! Sports is the right way but this is easy for the skin too fast. It actually threatens sleepy skin – forever

Hey’s about in the next 6-7 weeks. 12-15kg.

This should take half a year if you want to be on the safe side

Take care of yourself – a lot of success

2 years ago

Talk about 2kg each week.

that is too much

I make 5-6x week sports about 1.5h.

do you, or do you plan?

take only 1 kg a week

this is healthier and also better for the skin

2 years ago

Take away so much and so quickly is not healthy. It takes time, stamina and discipline. When you look at it, you can also avoid excess skin. Good luck!

2 years ago

Regarding your main question: With an overweight of 13kg, you need to worry less about “overseasy skin”. Your skin can stretch or regulate this to a certain degree. The excess skin, which you probably mean, only applies when you are very overweight (or in case of possible diseases).

By the way: to take 2 kg per week is an announcement. This is not recommended in the long term. 1 to 1.5 kg are more likely to reach the level of things and, above all, “simplified” and healthier.