Schimmel auf gekochter Wurst wegschmeißen?

Hi, hab von meiner Oma vorgekochte Wurst bekommen, die ich einfach nur braten muss. Problem ist, dass ich Schimmel ganz am Anfang gefunden habe und das Stück großzügig geschnitten und weggeschmissen habe (s. Bild oben).

Kann ich trotzdem den Rest der Wurst bei starker Hitze durch raten und verzerren, ohne ne Vergiftung zu bekommen?

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2 years ago

It is not safe to eat parts of a sausage that have mold. mold mushrooms can produce toxins which can still be present when the mold itself has been removed. It is best to throw away the whole sausage to avoid the risk of food poisoning. If you are not sure whether a food is spoiled or not, it is always best to be careful and throw it away. Careful is better than forbearance.

Food poisoning is not so hot…

2 years ago

I’d be insecure, and I’d rather throw away the whole sausage before I’m sorry!

2 years ago

until you see mold on food, it has already scattered its root braid in it.
I wouldn’t eat it.

2 years ago

No good idea. Throw away and tell your grandma she was delicious. Grandmas usually don’t endure when their food is thrown away.

2 years ago
Reply to  Dosensaft


2 years ago
Reply to  Einhornpups568

She comes from another time. At that time you saw the looser. Nowadays you’re smarter.

2 years ago

Please throw them away. You can’t eat them anymore. At worst, a life-threatening botox poisoning threatens you, and at best it is “only” carcinogenic.

2 years ago

Not by guessing, but throwing away.