Schildrüsen-Tabletten wirklich nehmen?
Bei N3 Visite heißt es, bei einem TSH-Wert bis 6 benötigt man keine Tabletten. Jetzt habe ich einen Wert von 1,59.
Bevor ich die Tabletten nahm hatte ich keinerlei Probleme, man bemerkte nur Knötchen und deshalb sollte ich dir Tabletten nehmen.
Ich bin gesetzlich versichert und genau hat mir kein Arzt etwas zu meiner Erkrankung erklärt.
Die Tabletten nehme ich jetzt ca. 10 Jahre, mal wieder die Einnahme hoch gesetzt, mal runter.
Seit 2 Tagen nehme ich keine mehr, ich fühle mich nicht mehr so gereizt.
Was soll ich tun? Klar besser wäre es zu einem Arzt zu gehen, ich glaube aber, dass mich bisher nicht wirklich ein Arzt aufgeklärt und untersucht hat. Sollte ich die Untersuchung vielleicht privat bezahlen, lohnt es sich?
I think it is more and more sensible to visit someone who does not work in the health system
like to try it out and go to a healer, listen to if someone has had good experiences.
At the same time, I would tell a doctor what you’re doing. Tablets simply put down on their own responsibility can sometimes go into the pants, because a dispense is sometimes quite good.
is basically your decision whether you take tablets or not, but I would listen to the advice of a doctor and then decide for yourself.
You’re right. I also feel that I should ask someone new. It is best to have a doctor who is also a healer.
I feel left alone by the doctors with the disease. You don’t know much about it on the Internet. If only a lot of technical Chinese.
There are many endocrinologists who are good but all private doctors.
right, the people who really heal and make healthy do not work in the health system. I don’t want to flatten this, but the majority does.
Thank you. 🌻
You should continue taking the medicines and not just drop the drug – it is completely normal that the values fluctuate (and thus also the medication changes)
not consult Dr. Google, but a real doctor – e.g. an endocrologist
Please introduce yourself to an endocrinologist for renewed control of the complete thyroid parameters, TSH, free T3, free T4, SD antibody + Sono.
Go to a real doctor and let you examine.
The thyroid gland should also be examined with ultrasound. Only a TsH worth doesn’t say much.
Then it should be done again and also a radiojod examination.
I had this investigation 10 years ago, and you’re not telling me anything.